Serving up Sustainability - Co-hosted event

Catering and co-hosting the Serving up Sustainability event, with Tried and Supplied at Ugly Butterfly restaurant.   

3rd Mar, 2020

Hosted by Tried & Supplied, in conjunction with Sustainable Kitchen Consultants, this event is the first in a series planned for 2020 to bring chefs, producers, restaurateurs and thought leaders together to discuss some of the challenges restaurants and the food-service supply chain face in becoming more sustainable, and provide open discussion on ways industry players can work together to devise potential solutions that can benefit all. Each event will provide you with practical solutions that you can implement, and useful networking showcasing specific expertise in sustainable offerings.


Supply-chain innovation: how can we reduce waste, achieve cost and time efficiencies, and foster sustainability:

  • What are the key challenges across the supply chain that impact waste?
  • What can chefs and restaurants do to influence waste up and down the supply chain?
  • Could greater feedback and communication around what causes waste further down the chain lead to quick win solutions at the start of the chain?
  • What opportunities are there for collaboration to increase efficiencies and reduce waste?
  • What role can social media play in influencing consumer choices, e.g. to better reflect crop yields each year?



+44 7810 311742

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